Darin Same Old Song

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Same Old SongDarin

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Darin Same Old Song Letra

We ran out love somewhere along the way
I thought that we would find it again if I stayed
But thatâs when all the problems surfaced
Iâm sorry I ainât mister perfect
I guess that means forever ended yesterday
Now this house ainât a home
But I guess easy come, easy go
I would give you my heart
But what good is a heart if itâs broke?
Youâre gonna be sorry
Youâre gonna miss the smell of my cologne
Ainât no need to call me
Youâre just gonna sing that same old song
Over and over and over and over
Over and over and over and over
Iâmma kill you softly
You just wanna sing that, sing that song
Gave you the loving that I had, oh yes
Just couldnât turn you into a housewife, I guess, oh no
When he would come around, I played him
Iâm giving you an ultimatum
See something that your life and just go after it, yeah, yeah
Now this house ainât a home
But I guess easy come, easy go
I would give you my heart
But what good is a heart if itâs broke?
Youâre gonna be sorry
Youâre gonna miss the smell of my cologne
Ainât no need to call me
Youâre just gonna sing that same old song
Over and over and over and over
Over and over and over and over
Iâmma kill you softly
You just wanna sing that, sing that
Sing that same old song
You know, I heard it all before
Baby, heard it all before, baby
All my love is gone
You know, I heard it all before
Baby, heard it all before, baby
Sing that same old song, just for me
You know, I heard it all before
Baby, heard it all before, baby
All my love is gone, canât you see
You know, I heard it all before
Baby, heard it all before, baby
Youâre gonna be sorry
Youâre gonna miss the smell of my cologne
Ainât no need to call me
Youâre just gonna sing that same old song
Over and over and over and over
Over and over and over and over
Iâmma kill you softly
You just wanna sing that, sing that


darin same old song
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