Damageplan Wake Up

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Wake UpDamageplan

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Damageplan Wake Up Letra

Our lives are entwined, can't escape
But you and I have never met face to face
Still I can't get away
Think that you can just step right in
Push me out and then fuck things all up again
It never seems to end
Do you think that you're better than me
You better wake up 'cause you know it's a lie
Do you think that you're better than me
You better wake up
Cling to skeletons, fearing change
Paralyzed thinking what the future will bring
Pure adrenaline, I tear in
Hatred is my fuel
Truth dissects you again
And you've run out of friends
Do you think that you're better than me
You better wake up 'cause you know it's a lie
Do you think that you're better than me
You better wake up
And now it's time, the countdown begins
Extracting the truth, what was from what is
And once and for all we lay it to rest
And never look back again
I can't believe all the things done to me
Sight unseen
You don't know one fucking thing but you
Judge me
Do you think that you're better than me
You better wake up 'cause you know it's a lie
Do you think that you're better than me
You better wake up


damageplan wake
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