Daft Punk Doing It Right

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Doing It RightDaft Punk

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Tiempo: 04:11 Tamaño: 3.84 Mb Descargas: 0 Puntos de vista: 4



Daft Punk Doing It Right Letra

Doing it right

Everybody will be dancing and we'll

Feeling it right

Everybody will be dancing and be

Doing it right

Everybody will be dancing and we'll be

Feeling all right

Everybody will be dancing to the

Doing it right

Everybody will be dancing and we'll

Feeling it right

Everybody will be dancing and be

Doing it right

Everybody will be dancing and we'll be

Feeling all right

Everybody will be dancing to the

Doing it right

Everybody will be dancing and we'll

Feeling it right

Everybody will be dancing and be

Doing it right

Everybody will be dancing and we'll be

Feeling all right

Everybody will be dancing to the

Doing it right

Everybody will be dancing and we'll

Feeling it right

Everybody will be dancing and be

Doing it right

Everybody will be dancing and we'll be



daft punk doing right
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