Claptone Under The Moon (feat Nathan Nicholson)

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Under The Moon (feat Nathan Nicholson)Claptone

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Tiempo: 03:11 Tamaño: 2.93 Mb Descargas: 0 Puntos de vista: 62


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Claptone Under The Moon (feat Nathan Nicholson) Letra

Under the moon, under the stars of the weekend
And I see you soon,
So the summer won't end
So the summer won't end
So the summer won't end
So the summer won't end
So the summer won't end
So the summer won't end
I'm the man with a different view
I'm the man that will wait for you
I'm the man that in a different year
I'm the man that will still be here
Oh man, so lovely Earth
Oh man, light the view in this
Oh man, that in a different year
Oh man, I'll be waiting here
Under the moon, under the stars of the weekend
And I see you soon
So the summer won't end
Under the moon, under the stars of the weekend
And I see you soon
So the summer won't end
So the summer won't end
So the summer won't end
So the summer won't end
So the summer won't end
So the summer won't end
I'm the man with a different view
I'm the man that will wait for you
I'm the man that in a different year
I'm the man that will still be here
Oh man, so lovely Earth
Oh man, light the view in this
Oh man, that in a different year
Oh man, I'll be waiting here
Oh man, so lovely Earth
Oh man, light the view in this
Oh man, that in a different year
Oh man, I'll be waiting here
Under the moon, under the stars of the weekend
And I see you soon
So the summer won't end
Under the moon, under the stars of the weekend
And I see you soon
So the summer won't end
So the summer won't end
So the summer won't end
So the summer won't end
So the summer won't end
So the summer won't end
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