Claptone Stronger (feat Ben Duffy)

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Stronger (feat Ben Duffy)Claptone

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Claptone Stronger (feat Ben Duffy) Letra

I know your love is just around the bend

When you stand so close

You save me

Two hearts beat tight

Where people see nothing

Oh I just feel something that saves me

I see white lights reflecting in the night

My soul feels numb

But lately

When I hear your voice

People say it's nothing,

But all I hear is something that saves me

Oh, why do we keep fighting

Our love, our love?

Oh, 'cause when we are together

We're Stronger, stronger

I know your love is just around the bend

When you stand so close

You save me

Two hearts beat tight

Where people see nothing oh

I just feel something that saves me

Oh, why do we keep fighting

Our love, our love?

Oh, 'cause when we are together

Stronger, stronger

Oh, why do we keep fighting

Our love, our love?

Oh, 'cause when we are together

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