Claptone Stay The Night (feat Tender)

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Stay The Night (feat Tender)Claptone

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Claptone Stay The Night (feat Tender) Letra

The air is getting thin

The walls are closing in around me

But I can't get enough

Washed out, love struck

I'm fading, yeah

I'm fading

And I can't tell you when

I'm gonna feel right in the head

Well give me some space

Give me some time

I'll feel fine

But right now I'm jaded

'Cause I'm solid gone

Where did it all go wrong?

Will you stay the night

Will you stay the night, oh

Stay the night

Yeah, I wanna get to know ya

Stay the night

Will you stay the night, oh

Stay the night

'Cause I like the way you make me

Feel out of control

I'm gonna climb back out that hole

You've put me in

Yeah I feel it in my soul

Now won't you stay the night

Stay the night now baby

Tame me with your touch

So soothing, don't interrupt

Dissolve me and realign

I'm separated

And crystallized

I'm bruised…
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