Christina Aguilera Bound To You

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Bound To YouChristina Aguilera

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Christina Aguilera Bound To You Letra

Sweet love, sweet love
Trapped in your love
I've opened up, unsure I can trust
My heart and I were buried in dust
Free me, free us
You're all I need when I'm holding you tight
If you walk away I will suffer tonight
I found a man I can trust
And boy, I believe in us
I am terrified to love for the first time
Can't you see that I'm bound in chains?
I finally found my way
I am bound to you
I am bound to you
So much, so young, I've faced on my own
Walls I built up became my home
I'm strong and I'm sure there's a fire in us
Sweet love, so pure
I catch my breath we're just one beating heart
And I brace myself, please don't tear this apart
I found a man I can trust
And boy, I believe in us
I am terrified to love for the first time
Can't you see that I'm bound in chains?
I finally found my way
I am bound to you
I am bound to
Suddenly the moment's here
I embrace my fears
All that I have been carrying all these years
Do I risk it all, come this far just to fall, fall?
Oh, I can trust
And boy, I believe in us
I am terrified to love for the first time
Can't you see that I'm bound in chains
And finally found my way
I am bound to you
I am
Ooh, I am
I'm bound to you
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