Charlotte Cardin Phoenix

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PhoenixCharlotte Cardin

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Charlotte Cardin Phoenix Letra

You told me you love me

I said it back, I don't mean it

I had to burn everything that I was

Just to come back like a phoenix

A phoenix

You been worried about me

A tornado inside

I've been complicated

Take a second and show me

How to burn and to rise

I could swear I'm changing

I wasn't very happy when you met me

Baby boy

You told me you love me

I said it back, I don't mean it

I had to burn everything that I was

Just to come back like a phoenix

A phoenix

I know I haven't called back

But I'm building it up slowly, baby, surely

You're the first I'ma contact

When I feel good enough

You don't have to worry

I wasn't very happy when you met me

Baby boy

You told me you love me

I said it back, I don't mean it

I had to burn everything that I was

Just to come back like a phoenix

You told me you love me

I said it back, I don't mean it

I had to burn everything that I was

Just to come back like a phoenix

I thought I meant to when I came in this relationship

But all the roses in the world would only fuel my rage

And now you're wounded from the blades, I hope you can forgive

And we can rise from the ashes just like a phoenix

I'm burning alive, first to survive

It's been complicated


You told me you love me

I said it back, I don't mean it

I had to burn everything that I was

Just to come back like a phoenix

You told me you love me

I said it back, I don't mean it

I had to burn everything that I was

Just to come back like a phoenix

I thought I meant to when I came in this relationship

But all the roses in the world would only fuel my rage

And now you're wounded from the blades, I hope you can forgive

And we can rise from the ashes just like a phoenix, phoenix
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