Charlie Puth Your Name

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Your NameCharlie Puth

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Charlie Puth Your Name Letra

This goes out to the most beautiful girl that I saw just the other day
She had me slipping and she had me falling for her right away
This goes out to the one and only miss mysterious
Thought of me being next to her got me so delirious
Yeah is she out is she out there
Yeah is she out there
Cause you're all that I need
In every single way
Girl you got me love sick and
Your beauty is to blame
If you knew how I felt
Could you ever feel the same
Never been acquainted
I just need to know your name
Girl I just need to know your name
Before I saw your face I never in my wildest dreams
Thought that true love was actually real
Cause you shine way brighter
Than anything I might have thought that I could feel
I give it all everything I have even though it's all so new…


charlie puth your name
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