Charlie Puth Something

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SomethingCharlie Puth

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Charlie Puth Something Letra

They say the first line of the song is the hardest to come up with

But I just can't help writing about you

And I know this may sound cheesy in a lot of different ways

I swear all of the things I say are true

She walks down that small grade highway all by herself

And makes me feel the sort of way that I have never felt


You can surprise me with words that excite me

I never find those words to say and I'll never know what makes me feel

This way


But if I try I could

So give her your attention and it'll turn into something


Well, I was walking down MacArthur Park

Just to find someone

Who steal my heart

But it seems like the glass made the puzzle of your face

And if the way that you talk

And the way that you walk

Had a bet you return something of…
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