Charlie Puth Nothing But Trouble

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Nothing But TroubleCharlie Puth

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Charlie Puth Nothing But Trouble Letra

I'm facing the bottle for all of my problems

These Instagram models are nothing but trouble

She's going away now, I'm going full throttle

All these Instagram models, I said they're nothing but trouble

When I met her she was out for love

Yeah, I bought her leather and some diamond studs

Damn, when I met her she was molly'd up

Fuck it, I said "Whatever" cause I'm not a judge

No, all my niggas say she's not what's up

Uh, I considered it but not enough

Uh, she just wanted to be popular

Uh, she just wanted ten thousand followers

Oh she posted, she posted, she posted

They like it, they like it, repost it

She party promoting, she hosting

She posing, legs open, provoking

It got my head smoking

I tried to act like I don't notice

Emotions, emotions, emotions, lord
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