Charlie Puth Look At Me Now

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Look At Me NowCharlie Puth

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Charlie Puth Look At Me Now Letra

I said this time next year

I'm gonna be the one to do

Everything and more you said I couldn't do

This one is for you

This time next year

I'm gonna be stronger

A little bit taller

Top is my only view

I can't get in the door now

Better get out of my way

Never really saw me coming

You left with nothing to say

This is for everybody

Who always put me down

I hope you open up your eyes

And take a good look at me now

Take a good look at me now

Take a good look at me now

'Cause this time next year

I'm gonna walk down these halls

And show my face for the world to see

Gonna see me

And I'm gonna call every girl that turned me down

And tell them now that I'm just too busy

'Cause I don't have the time

And its funny how my so called friends

Who always left me alone

Suddenly running…


charlie puth look now
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