CamelPhat feat Jem Cooke-Rabbit Hole

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feat Jem Cooke-Rabbit HoleCamelPhat

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CamelPhat feat Jem Cooke-Rabbit Hole Letra

Step one side to side
Bodies gently moving
I let myself fly this time
Dance for miles and miles
Crowd's been slowly growing
But it's only you I see this time
We're going in now deeper down the rabbit hole
Never ending rivers wind us to the fall
Keep falling all the deeper down the rabbit hole
Never ending rivers wind us to the fall
They drop us way down low
Drop us way down low
Learn my melodies
Keep my two feet shuffling
Always stay right here this time
I got everything with ease
We'll be living, not surviving
It's only you and me this time
We're going in now deeper down the rabbit hole
Never ending rivers wind us to the fall
Keep falling all the deeper down the rabbit hole
Never ending rivers wind us to the fall
We're going in now deeper down the rabbit hole
Never ending rivers wind us to the fall
Keep falling all the deeper down the rabbit hole
Never ending rivers wind us to the fall
They drop us way down low
They drop us way down low
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