Boney M Fever

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FeverBoney M

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Boney M Fever Letra

Never know how much I love you

Never know how much I care

When you put your arms around me

I get a fever, that's so hard to bear

You give me fever, when you kiss me

Fever when you hold me tight

Fever, in the morning

Fever all through the night

Sun lights up the daytime

Moon lights up the night

I light up when you call my name

And I know I'm gonna treat you right

You give me fever, when you kiss me

Fever when you hold me tight

Fever, in the morning

Fever all through the night

Everybody gots the fever [should be "everybody's got..."]

That is something you all know

Fever isn't such a new thing

Fever started long ago

Romeo loved Juliet

Juliet, she felt the same

When he put his arms around her

He said "Julie baby, you're my flame"

Thou givest fever, when he kisseth…


boney fever
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