Blasterjaxx Soldier

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Blasterjaxx Soldier Letra


Trying to find a way out, out of here

So hold the fort, hold it down

'Til the coast is clear

I don’t wanna hear your cry

Or I’ll come down blazing

Take a night for a night


I'll be your soldier my love

So let the battle begin

I'll be your soldier my love, my love, my love

I'll be your soldier my love

I'll be your sol—


(Soldier my love)


Trying to find a way out, out of here

So hold the fort, hold it down

'Til the coast is clear

I don’t wanna hear your cry

Or I’ll come down blazing

Take a night for a night


I'll be your soldier my love

So let the battle begin

I'll be your soldier my love

I'll be your sol—


blasterjaxx soldier
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