Black Sabbath NIB

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NIBBlack Sabbath

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Black Sabbath NIB Letra

Oh yeah!
some people say my love cannot be true
please believe me, my love, and i'll show you
i will give you those things you thought unreal
the sun, the moon, the stars all bear my seal
Oh yeah!
follow me now and you will not regret
leaving the life you led before we met
you are the first to have this love of
forever with me 'till the end of time
Your love for me has just got to be real
before you know the way i'm going to feel
i'm going to feel
i'm going to feel
Oh yeah!
now i have you with me, under my power
our love grows stronger now with every hour
look into my eyes, you will see who i am
my name is lucifer, please take my hand
Oh yeah!
follow me now and you will not regret
leaving the life you led before we met
you are the first to have this love of mine
forever with me 'till the end of time
your love for me has just got to be real
before you know the way i'm going to feel
i'm going to feel
i'm going to feel
Oh yeah!
now I have you with me, under my power
our love grows stronger now with every hour
look into my eyes, you will see who i am
my name is lucifer, please take my hand


black sabbath nib
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