Billie Eilish You Should See Me in a Crown

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You Should See Me in a CrownBillie Eilish

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Billie Eilish You Should See Me in a Crown Letra

Bite my tongue, bide my time
Wearing a warning sign
Wait 'til the world is mine
Visions I vandalize
Cold in my kingdom size
Fell for these ocean eyes
You should see me in a crown
I'm gonna run this nothing town
Watch me make 'em bow
One by one by, one
One by one by
You should see me in a crown
Your silence is my favorite sound
Watch me make 'em bow
One by one by, one
One by one by (one)
Count my cards, watch them fall
Blood on a marble wall
I like the way they all
Tell me which one is worse
Living or dying first
Sleeping inside a hearse
I don't dream
You say
Come over baby
I think you're pretty
I'm okay
I'm not your baby
If you think I'm pretty
You should see me in a crown
I'm gonna run this nothing town
Watch me make 'em bow
One by one by, one
One by one by
You should see me in a crown
Your silence is my favorite sound
Watch me make 'em bow
One by one by, one
One by one by (one)
I'm gonna run this nothing town
Watch me make 'em bow
One by one by, one
One by one by
You should see me in a crown
Your silence is my favorite sound
Watch me make 'em bow
One by one by, one
One by one by (one)
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