Billie Eilish When I Was Older

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When I Was OlderBillie Eilish

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Billie Eilish When I Was Older Letra

Billie Eilish - When I Was Older Sözleri

When I was older

I was a sailor on an open sea

But now I'm underwater

And my skin is paler than it should ever be


I'm on my back again

Dreaming of a time and place

Where you and I remain the best of friends

Even after all this ends

Can we pretend?

I'm on my, I'm on my back again

It's seeming more and more

Like all we ever do is see how far it bends

Before it breaks in half and then

We bend it back again

Guess I got caught in the middle of it

Yes I've been taught, got a little of it

In my blood, in my blood

Memories burn like a forest fire

Heavy rain turns any funeral pyre to mud

In the flood

When I was older

I was a sailor on an open sea

But now I'm underwater

And my skin is paler than it should ever be

I'm watching movies back to back in black and white, I never

Seen anybody do it like I do it any better

I'm goin' over you, I'm overdue for new endeavors

Nobody lonely like I'm lonely and I don't know whether

You'd really like it in the limelight

You'd sympathize with all the bad guys

I'm still a victim in my own right

But I'm the villain in my own eyes, yeah

When I was older

I was a sailor on an open sea

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