Billie Eilish Bellyache

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BellyacheBillie Eilish

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Tiempo: 03:30 Tamaño: 3.23 Mb Descargas: 10 Puntos de vista: 16

Billie Eilish - Bellyache - Vídeoclip

Tiempo: 03:30 Tamaño: 17.54 Mb Formato: .mp4 Descargas: 1 Puntos de vista: 16



Billie Eilish Bellyache Letra

Billie Eilish - Bellyache Sözleri

Sittin' all alone

Mouth full of gum

In the driveway

My friends aren't far

In the back of my car

Lay their bodies

Where's my mind

Where's my mind

They'll be here pretty soon

Lookin' through my room for the money

I'm bitin' my nails

I'm too young to go to jail

It's kinda funny

Where's my mind

Where's my mind

Where's my mind

Where's my mind

Maybe it's in the gutter where I left my lover

What an expensive fate

My V is for Vendetta

Thought that I'd feel better

But now I got a bellyache

Everything I do the way I wear my noose

Like a necklace

I wanna make 'em scared like I could be anywhere

Like I'm wreck-less

I lost my mind

I don't mind

Where's my mind

Where's my mind

Maybe it's in the gutter where I left my lover

What an expensive fate

My V is for Vendetta

Thought that I'd feel better

But now I got a bellyache

Maybe it's in the gutter where I left my lover

What an expensive fate

My V is for Vendetta

Thought that I'd feel better

But now I got a bellyache

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