Betta Lemme Im Bored

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Im BoredBetta Lemme

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Tiempo: 02:33 Tamaño: 2.35 Mb Descargas: 0 Puntos de vista: 86


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Betta Lemme Im Bored Letra

When I wake up
Fuck the makeup
Every break up
And it all just feels like
Take a selfie
Kill me softly
Where's the coffee?
Cause I'm feeling mighty
Swiping armies
Robot zombies
Posts for money
Ain't it funny?
So while you dance all night and live your best life
I'm bored, I'm bored
I'd rather fantasize than join that ride
I'm bored, I'm bored
Blah blah blah blah
Countdown to mañana
Blah blah blah blah
Donne-moi mes pyjamas
So while you dance all night and live your best life
I'm bored, I'm bored.
All the small talk
Such a big shot (Wow)
Can you please not? (Bye)
Just leave me alone
Wish me good luck, oh (Thanks)
With a fake hug
But you all suck (Ok)
I'd rather stay
Swiping armies
Robot zombies
Posts for money
Ain't it funny?
So while you dance all night and live your best…


betta lemme bored
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