Benjamin Ingrosso Good Intentions

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Good IntentionsBenjamin Ingrosso

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Benjamin Ingrosso Good Intentions Letra

Why don't we take the highway?
Get in my car and fly away
Take the day to relax
We deserve a kick-back
Let's go get elevated
I'll take you to a higher place
Somewhere only we know
Somewhere we can let go
Just let it flow
Give it time, let your mind come alive on its own
Lose control of your soul we can go all night long
We should just get faded babe
We can make love in the sky
Maybe I could be that guy for you
Be on my best behaviour, babe
We'll do anything you want
Swear I've only got good intentions
Good intentions, oh no
I think you're fucking gorgeous
And maybe after all this, we could go to dinner
I think you're cool as shit though
I've never met someone like you
I guess I got some good fortune
Maybe I should gamble
Think you're the one I'm meant for
Just let it flow
Give it time, let your mind come alive on its own
Lose control of your soul we can go all night long
We should just get faded baby
We can make love in the sky
Maybe I could be that guy for you
Be on my best behaviour, babe
We'll do anything you want
Swear I've only got good intentions
Good intentions, oh no
Just let it flow
Give it time, let your mind come alive on its own
We should just get faded baby
We can make love in the sky
Maybe I could be that guy for you
Be on my best behaviour, babe
We'll do anything you want
Swear I've only got good intentions
Good intentions, oh no
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