Ben&Ben Maybe The Night

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Maybe The NightBen&Ben

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Ben&Ben Maybe The Night Letra

I want to lay down by the fire with you
Where souls are glowing, ever warmer too
Your love surrounds me like a lullaby
Singing softly, you are mine oh mine
Moon has never glowed this color
Hearts have never been this close
I have never been more certain
I will love you 'til we're old
Maybe the night holds a little hope for us, dear
Maybe we might want to settle down, just be near
Stay together here
We follow the pull of fate, into this moment
We follow the pull of fate, into this moment
Moon has never glowed this color
Hearts have never been this close
I have never been more certain
I will love you 'til we're old
Maybe the night holds a little hope for us, dear…


benben maybe the night
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