Bedük Better Than My Baby

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Better Than My BabyBedük

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Bedük Better Than My Baby Letra

Bedük Better Than My Baby Sözleri

trying to make this song but it doesn't seem OK
I'm losing my mind but it ain't no game
nowhere to hide I gotta do it right but
ain't nobody better than my baby

stop just quit! leave it or admit!
you gotta take it cool before your mind gets sick
nothing to do you ain't got no big hit but
ain't nobody better than my baby

words in my head like it's never gonna end
can't choose one cause none of them are correct
this crap won't work! that's what everybody said
but ain't nobody better than my baby

stop just quit! leave it or admit!
you gotta take it cool before your mind gets sick
nothing to do you ain't got no big hit but
ain't nobody better than my baby


beduk better than baby
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