BB King I Like to Live the Love

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I Like to Live the LoveBB King

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BB King I Like to Live the Love Letra

My song is a serious matter
It reflects what i feel
If i say i love you, i mean it
`cause in my song
Every line is for real
Every man or woman
Enjoys going home
To a peaceful situation
To give love and receive love
Without any complications
Whether my tune is short or long
Whether my lyrics are weak or strong
I like to live the love
That i sing about in my song
I like to live the love
That i sing about in my song
Music is love
And my love is music
In perfect harmony
So when i sing
I have sung all about
The love of you and me
I never got angry with my guitar
`cause when i strike a chord
It gives me what i want to hear
So i'm finding out that
We are quite like my song together, my dear
Outside answers
Should always be forbidden
Problems should be solved
And never hidden
I like to live the love
That i sing about in my song
I like to live the love
That i sing about in my song


king like live the love
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