Barish Manco Tell Me Old Man

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Tell Me Old ManBarish Manco

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Barish Manco Tell Me Old Man Letra

Barış Manço Tell Me Old Man Şarkı Sözleri

Tell me old man why do the winds blow?
Tell me old man where do the winds go?
The winds tell me they know their way
Ringing the changes from day to day
North turns to South
East turns to west
They go where they have go to
Tell me old man why is the sky grey
Tell me old man what do the clouds say
They tell me rain has its season
Life has it sadness for a good reason And all their darkness
Just hides their treasure
Sunlight and rain for the earth
Tell me old man why do the birds sing
Tell me old man what does their song bring
Their song is the voice of love
Falling to earth from the skies above
And every note has
Its ring of meaning.....
Happines and joy to earth


baris manco tell old man
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