Barış Manço Şehrazat

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ŞehrazatBarış Manço

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Barış Manço Şehrazat Letra

Barış Manço Şehrazat Şarkı Sözleri

Come hear Sehrazat
Were goin way
Forget tomorow
Enjoy today
Take a magic journey
Were the pan pipes play
Hold my hands look at me and be happy for the day its a holiday
Little world to its self take her with me to a land not so far away
Come on Sehrazat
Were goin way
Forget tomorow
Enjoy today
Take a magic journey
Were the pan pipes play
Hold my hands look at me and be happy for the day its a holiday
Little world to its self take her with me to a land not so far away
And for the rest of time Sehrazat you ll be mine
And for the rest of time Sehrazat you ll be mine


baris manco sehrazat
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