Ayo & Teo Bring A Friend

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Bring A FriendAyo & Teo

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Ayo & Teo Bring A Friend Letra

First she hit me up, she said come over, bring a friend
Oh I ain't goin' unless we amend
She said "you showin' up, are you attending?"
Now we glowing up cause yeah we spending
And we go in settin' trends
My brother, that's my best friend
We got each other to the end
Oh Imma reach for the muhfuckin' stars
Just got a call from her not gettin' involved
Young nigga workin' too hard
Need that ice and a house wit some yards
I feel like we done came too far
Four niggas in the way, it's bizarre (yeah)
Now we on they head
Oh I see that we at it again
In YPSI Machetes in the shed
We clearly just tryna get the bread
When she see me oh now she tryna beg (well)
First she hit me up, she said come over, bring a friend
Oh I ain't goin' unless we amend
She said "you showin'…


ayo teo bring friend
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