Ava Max Whos Laughing Now

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Whos Laughing NowAva Max

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Tiempo: 02:58 Tamaño: 2.73 Mb Descargas: 1 Puntos de vista: 150


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Ava Max Whos Laughing Now Letra

Never knew the sting of a stranger
Never felt the words like a razor
But I won't give a damn 'bout it later
All the little digs doesn't matter
Writin' down a brand-new chapter
Where there's only love, never anger
So lonely in your bed
Does breakin' me make you feel good?
Guess you don't understand
What goes around, comes around
Don't ya know that I'm stronger?
Don't ya see me in all black?
Don't ya cry like a baby?
Ha-ha-ha, ha, ha-ha-ha
Who's laughing now?
Know that it's over
Don't ya know I won't call back?
Don't ya cry like a baby?
Ha-ha-ha, ha, ha-ha-ha
Who's laughing now?
You'll never see me blue, never bleedin'
Hope you understand how I'm feelin'
I'm turnin' off my phone like I'm leaving (bye)
Pushed me to the edge, now it's over
Shuttin' off the hate,…


ava max whos laughing now
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