Ashe In Disguise

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In DisguiseAshe

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Ashe In Disguise Letra

I was living free
Like I wanted to
But they laughed at me
So I came to you asking for a good time
And a ticket out of my mind
You said people round the world will try to bring you down
Told me don't give into the power you got power yourself
Everybody's got their reasons they can all go to hell if they like
I'd rather be hated for who I am
Than waste it all giving a damn
You better find out who your friends are in disguise
Take a seat
Take a hit
Gotta learn to breathe
Then the only thing you'll have to do is follow your heart in the end
You said people round the world will try to bring you down
Told me don't give into the power, you got power yourself
Everybody's got their reasons they can all go to hell if they like
I'd rather be hated for who I am
Than waste it all giving a damn
You better find out who your friends are in disguise
I'd rather be diggin' out my own grave
Than listen to the words that they say
You better find out who your friends are in disguise
I'd rather be hated for who I am
Than waste it all giving a damn
You better find out who your friends are in disguise
I'd rather be diggin' out my own grave
Than listen to the words that they say
You better find out who your friends are in disguise
You better find out who your friends are in disguise


ashe disguise
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