Armin Van Buuren Unforgivable

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UnforgivableArmin Van Buuren

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Armin Van Buuren Unforgivable Letra

You used to light up the dark
With your unrelenting spark you always put a fire in me
You use to say I'm the one
The only ways on you could touch without the fear of burning
Well, you used to try to please me
Yeah, you used to try to please me
Never said this would be easy
Would you tell her now?
While you hold her in your arms
Are you pretending she's me?
Just a... Ago
Before you realize that she's the one that you're going to loose
You just got there, now you're leaving
Your sweet nothings out deceiving
Well, it ain't over till it's over
And my world shuts down
But this comes close
I'll have you know
It's just a matter of time
But it ain't over till it's over
But I won't be made a fool
Cause living with the way you did was just so unforgivable
Well, it ain't over till it's over
And my world shuts down
But this comes close
I'll have you know
It's just a matter of time
But it ain't over till it's over
But I won't be made a fool
Cause living with the way you did was just so unforgivable
Well, it ain't over till it's over
And my world shuts down
But this comes close
I'll have you know
It's just a matter of time
But it ain't over till it's over
But I won't be made a fool
Cause living with the way you did was just so unforgivable
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