Anne Marie Peak

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PeakAnne Marie

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Anne Marie Peak Letra

Wasn't I enough?
Didn't I amount to you?
I don't blame you for the loveThat I lost to you
It will take time
A lot of heartache too
But I was in love
I thought you were too

No one compares, if I'm honest
I've beaten myself blue
I wish you could've been honest
Instead of trying to look cool

Did I breathe? Did I?
Did I sleep?
Did I eat?
Did I cheat? Did I?
Did I do something wrong?
Did I hit the peak? Did I?
Did I feel?
Did I steal?
No, I didn't do anything but love

Now we get along
That's just what we have to do
I know every song
Sang out my heart for you
I've gotta stay humble
And you have to too
It was the hope, he crumbles
Where it once stood tall

No one compares, if I'm honest
I've beaten myself blue
I wish you could've been honest
Instead of trying to look cool

Did I breathe? Did I?
Did I sleep?
Did I eat?
Did I cheat? Did I?
Did I do something wrong?
Did I hit the peak? Did I?
Did I feel?
Did I steal?
No, I didn't do anything but love


anne marie peak
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