Anabel Englund So Hot

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So HotAnabel Englund

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Anabel Englund So Hot Letra

It's so hot

I can barely breathe

Especially with you standin' next to me

I've tried to pretend

Yeah I've tried

Messages you keep sendin' me

Notes you keep leavin' places I can see it's cute

(Yeah it's cute)

Let's go somewhere safe

Where I'll meet you underwater

Drown me in your sorrow

I'll meet you underwater

You lead and I will follow

It's so hot

Tell me what you feel inside

Start the way you know it's right

A different kind of paradise

Driving back to see your face

'Cause you don't have a car and I can't barely contain

What I feel, what I feel

Touchin' my body quietly

Meetin' my eyes under the moon light

It's right, yeah it's right

So let's go somewhere safe

Where I'll meet you underwater

Drown me in your sorrows

I'll meet you underwater

You lead and I will follow…


anabel englund hot
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