Amr Diab The Day We Met

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The Day We MetAmr Diab

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Amr Diab The Day We Met Letra

The day we met is a day i will never forget
I was destined to live the best love story ever
The first beautiful feelings that my heart felt
And the way i long to see you

I promise you, from tonight i'll always be with you
I'll cherish you and take care of you and do whatever you want me to do
I promise you my beautiful angel
If you needed a star from the sky, i'll bring it to you

The words ''I love you'' that i see in your eyes
And your smile that lights up my life when i say ''I love you too''
I remember exactly how and where we met
And the first words we said and the way your hand brushed mine

I promise you, from tonight i'll always be with you
I'll cherish you and take care of you and do whatever you want me to do
I promise you my beautiful angel
If you needed a star from the sky, i'll bring it to you


amr diab the day met
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