Amr Diab Helwa El Ayam

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Helwa El AyamAmr Diab

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Amr Diab Helwa El Ayam Letra

Promise me that you are gonna be always in my world
My life, I'm living it in heaven as long as you are living it with me
The days, the days are beautiful with you, my love, better than dreams
Promise me that you are gonna be always in my world
My life, I'm living it in heaven as long as you are living it with me
The days, the days are beautiful with you, my love, better than dreams
Since the first time I met you and known you
And found the beautiful world that I've been dreaming about
The days, the days are beautiful with you, my love, better than dreams
Since the first time I met you and known you
And found the beautiful world that I've been dreaming about
The days, the days are beautiful with you, my love, better than dreams
Days are going, my love, and passing by us
And as if I'm living you and me in a world of our own alone
The days, the days are beautiful with you, my love, better than dreams
Days are going, my love, and passing by us
And as if I'm living you and me in a world of our own alone
The days, the days are beautiful with you, my love, better than dreams
The days, the days are beautiful with you, my love, better than dreams


amr diab helwa ayam
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