Alan Walker The Spectre

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The SpectreAlan Walker

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Alan Walker The Spectre Letra

Hello, hello

Can you hear me, as I scream your name

Hello, helloDo you need me, before I fade away

Is this a place that I call home

To find what I've become

Walk along the path unknown

We live, we love, we lie

Deep in the dark I don't need the light

There's a ghost inside me

It all belongs to the other side

We live, we love, we lie

Hello, hello

Nice to meet you, voice inside my head

Hello, hello

I believe you, how can I forget

Is this a place that I call home

To find what I've become

Walk along the path unknown

We live, we love, we lie

Deep in the dark I don't need the light

There's a ghost inside me

It all belongs to the other side

We live, we love, we lie

We live, we love, we lie


alan walker the spectre
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