Ahzee We Got This

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We Got ThisAhzee

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Ahzee We Got This Letra

We got money not to show
We just got money to blow
We don't take another shot
Maybe one, two, three or four
We're always gonna speed
We'll never hit it slow
And we're never gonna sleep
Cause the night is all we know
Bottles on ice yeah we got this
Worries in the back yeah we bought this
Beauty to my left is my mistress
All you fellows know you wanna have this
I got so big yeah we got this
Heli top yeah we bought this
Popping champagne at the mistress
Party all night yeah we got this
Yeah we got this
We have in breakfast in Mumbai
Then we fly to Dubai
Where the party never stops
And the girls are feeling hot
We're always on the top
And we never lie
And we never gonna stop
Cause we hustle till we die
Bottles on ice yeah we got this
Worries in the back yeah we bought…


ahzee got this
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