Aaron Smith Unspoken

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UnspokenAaron Smith

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Aaron Smith Unspoken Letra

Don't hold your breath
Like I'm not scared
Like I want you to trust me
Don't waste your time
'Cause you're not mine
I wish that you could touch me
Don't know where to go
Don't know where to go
You should know that I adore you, no
Don't know if I should
Don't know if I could
Darlin', you should know that I adore you
But I was careless, and you were broken
You were ready, but I'm unspoken, I'm unspoken
You're amazing
And you shine a light on me
And you were ready, but I'm unspoken, I'm unspoken
Come back to mine
Speak our minds
I don't want any secrets
Don't know if I should
Don't know if I could
Darlin', you should know that I adore you, no
I gotta let you know, I gotta let you know
And darlin', you should know that I adore you, no
But I was careless, and you were broken
You were ready, but I'm unspoken, I'm unspoken
You're amazing
And you shine a light on me
And you were ready, but I'm unspoken, I'm unspoken
And I was careless, and you were broken
And you were ready, but I'm unspoken, I'm unspoken
'Cause you're amazing
And you shine a light on me
And you were ready, but I'm unspoken, I'm unspoken, I'm unspoken
'Cause I'm unspoken, I'm unspoken


aaron smith unspoken
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