Aaron Smith Better Than You Loved Me

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Better Than You Loved MeAaron Smith

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Aaron Smith Better Than You Loved Me Letra

You threw a party
I cleaned your mess up
You gave me scars
And you called it love
You start a fire
And hide the water
What was I supposed to do when all I have is you?
I saw the sign
I worked it out
But I got out before it was too late
Black and blue, that's what you put me through
Now I see and I'm gonna love someone better than you loved me
(Mmm, mmm, mm)
You're so fucked up, you thought it wasn't you
I'm safe here so I'm gonna love someone better than you loved me
It's a kinda poison in your head
That's what they told me when you hit the edge
I saw the sign
I worked it out
But I got out before it was too late
Black and blue, that's what you put me through
Now I see and I'm gonna love someone better than you loved me
(Mmm, mmm, mm)
You're so fucked up, you thought it wasn't you
I'm safe here so I'm gonna love someone better than you loved me
Ohh oh oh, oh
Ohh oh oh, oh ooh
Ohh oh oh, oh
Ohh oh oh, oh
Ohh oh oh, oh
Ohh oh oh, oh ooh
Ohh oh oh, oh
Ohh oh oh, oh
I saw the sign in black and white
I got out before it was too late
Black and blue, that's what you put me through
Now I see and I'm gonna love someone better than you loved me
(Mmm, mmm, mm)
You're so fucked up, you thought it wasn't you
I'm safe here so I'm gonna love someone better than you loved me
Ohh oh oh, oh
Ohh oh oh, oh ooh
Ohh oh oh, oh
Ohh oh oh, oh
Ohh oh oh, oh
Ohh oh oh, oh ooh
Ohh oh oh, oh
Ohh oh oh, oh
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