Zara Larsson Uncover

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UncoverZara Larsson

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Time: 03:41 Size: 3.39 Mb Downloaded: 15 Views: 220


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Zara Larsson Uncover Song Lyrics

Nobody sees, nobody knows,
We are a secret can't be exposed
That's how it is, that's how it goes,
Far from the others, close to each other
In the daylight, in the daylight,
When the sun is shining,
On the late night, on the late night,
When the moon is blinding
In the plain sight, plain sight,
Like stars in hiding,
You and I burn on, on
Put two and to-gether, for-ever will never change
Two and to-gether will never change
Nobody sees, nobody knows
We are a secret, can't be exposed
That's how it is, that's how it goes
Far from the others, close to each other
That's when we uncover, cover, cover
That's when we uncover, cover, cover
My asylum, my asylum is in your arms
When the world gives heavy burdens
I can bear a thousand times
On your shoulder, on your shoulder
I can reach an endless sky
Feels like paradise
Put two and to-gether, for-ever will never change
Two and to-gether will never change
Nobody sees, nobody knows
We are a secret, can't be exposed
That's how it is, that's how it goes
Far from the others, close to each other
That's when we uncover, cover, cover
That's when we uncover, cover, cover
We could build a universe right here,
All the world could disappear,
Wouldn't notice, wouldn't care
We can build a universe right here
The world could disappear,
I just need you near
Nobody sees, nobody knows,
We are a secret, can't be exposed
That's how it is, that's how it goes
Far from the others, close to each other
That's when we uncover, cover, cover
That's when we uncover, cover, cover
That's when we uncover
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