Yungblud Loner

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Yungblud Loner Song Lyrics

All my friends'll desert again
And I don't wanna be a loner
In my head, I can sleep when I'm dead
Baby, don't let the hype dilute ya (na na na)
I got no want for the quiet life
No forced up smiles over tired eyes
Give me a taste of the riot life
'Cause I'd rather be a martyr than grow tomatoes
Keep the young between your teeth
Take the love, take the doves, take the self-belief
Make your shoes look squeaky clean
But if you want to be a leader, stop being a cheater
So bounce if you've had enough
Of the people you know
So bounce if you've had enough
And just let go
All my friends'll desert again
And I don't wanna be a loner (na na na)
In my head, I can sleep when I'm dead
Baby, don't let the hype dilute ya (na na na)
Now lock me up in a riot van
As I hold up my fingers to this old man
'Cause he made sure my future plans
Became a time bomb, sleep with the lights on
Treating the planet like a playground
Destructure their distractions to cover up the shake down
Hey now, you better not let me out
All my friends'll desert again
And I don't wanna be a loner (na na na)
In my head, I can sleep when I'm dead
Baby, don't let the hype dilute ya (na na na)
You know what I mean yeah?
You know what I mean yeah?
You know what I mean yeah?
Do you know what I mean yeah?
You know what I mean yeah?
You know what I mean yeah?
You know what I mean yeah?
Do you know what I mean yeah?
So bounce if you've had enough
Of the people you know
So bounce if you've had enough
Of the alter-ego
So bounce if you've had enough
Of the people you know
So bounce if you've had enough
And just let go
All my friends'll desert again
And I don't wanna be a loner
In my head, I can sleep when I'm dead
Baby, don't let the hype dilute ya (na na na)
All my friends'll desert again
And I don't wanna be a loner (na na na)
In my head, I can sleep when I'm dead
Baby, don't let the hype dilute ya (na na na)
You know what I mean yeah?
You know what I mean yeah?
You know what I mean yeah?
Do you know what I mean yeah?
You know what I mean yeah?
You know what I mean yeah?
You know what I mean yeah?
Do you know what I mean yeah?
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