Yellow Claw Rewind (feat Krewella)

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Rewind (feat Krewella)Yellow Claw

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Yellow Claw Rewind (feat Krewella) Song Lyrics

Is it just me, or do you ever feel like time just flies?
Is it just me, or do you ever feel the years go by?
I never been good at sayin' goodbye
So I'ma let the memories get me by
Is it just me, or do you put the same scenes on rewind?
Rewind, rewind, rewind, rewind, rewind
Is it just me, or do you put the same scenes on rewind?
Do you put the same scenes on rewind? Rewind
I'm in the passenger seat, I feel like I'm in a dream
I think of where I've been when we're driving
I close my eyes in the wind, it flows on top of my skin
It blows me back to a time
When I'd wear my heart on my sleeve ready for the fall
Bittersweet tears in the dark, butterflies when I hear you call
Is it just me, or do you ever feel like time just flies?
Is it just me,…
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