Yellow Claw Love & War (feat Yade Lauren)

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Love & War (feat Yade Lauren)Yellow Claw

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Yellow Claw Love & War (feat Yade Lauren) Song Lyrics

Cut me through my skin
Through the heart, yeah, you went right in
I fell for every word you said
I come here but I can't stay
I don't know, I don't know, I don't know
Why some things have to be this way
We build it up, build it up to break it down
And then we're lost until we're found
And when we're high further from the crown
If all is fair in love and war
I can't do this anymore
If all is fair in love and war
I can't do this anymore
So unfair, so unfair, so unfair to me
So unfair, so unfair, so unfair to me
You told me from the start
Nothing could tear us apart
Now when I look I see a stranger
I come here but I can't stay
I don't know, I don't know, I don't know
Why some things have to end this way
We build it up, build it up to break it down
And then we're lost until we're found
And when we're high further from the crown
If all is fair in love and war
I can't do this anymore
If all is fair in love and war
I can't do this anymore
So unfair, so unfair, so unfair to me
So unfair, so unfair, so unfair to me
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