Yagmur Termiyeci Daglar Kizi Reyhan

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Daglar Kizi ReyhanYagmur Termiyeci

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Yagmur Termiyeci Daglar Kizi Reyhan Song Lyrics

Dağlar kızı Reyhan Reyhan Reyhan
Dağlar kızı Reyhan Reyhan Reyhan
Alem sana heyran heyran heyran
Olurum sana gurban Reyhan Reyhan
Canım Sana gurban Reyhan Reyhan
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Güzeller güzeli Reyhan Reyhan
Sevdamın özeli Reyhan Reyhan
Olurum sana gurban Reyhan Reyhan
Canım Sana gurban Reyhan Reyhan
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Bir karadır gözün Reyhan Reyhan
Baldan Şirin sözün Reyhan Reyhan
Olurum sana gurban Reyhan Reyhan
Canım Sana gurban Reyhan Reyhan
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