Xece Were Delal

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Were DelalXece

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Time: 03:47 Size: 3.48 Mb Downloaded: 2 Views: 82 Category: Kurdish


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Xece Were Delal Song Lyrics

Xece - Were Delal Sözleri

Tu gul î, tu beybûn î

Ji derdan re derman î

Carek were min bibînî

Were zalim de were,

Were cana'm de were

Were rinda'm de were,

Were delalê...

Carek were min bibînî

Were rinda'm de were,

Were cana'm de were

Were delalê...

Dibişire ey yarê

Weke heyvê, wek tavê

Wer kulîlka biharê

Were cana'm de were,

were rinda'm de were,

were gewra'm de were

Were delalê...

Wer kulîlka biharê

were rinda'm de were,

Were cana'm de were,

Were delalê...

Tu ey heyva li çardeha

Tu ey kara xezala.

Min nehêle di vî hala

were cana'm de were

were rinda'm de were,

were gewra'm de were

Were delalê...

Min nehêle di vî hala

were cana'm de were

were gewra'm de were

Were delalê...

Were Delal Parçasının Türkçe Çevirisi,

Gülsün, papatyasın

Dertlere dermansın

Bir kere gel gör beni

Gel zalim hadi gel

Gel canım hadi gel

Gel güzelim hadi gel

Gel biriciğim.

Bir kere gel gör beni

Gel güzelim hadi gel

Gel canım hadi gel

Gel biriciğim.

Gülümser o yar,

Ay gibi, güneş gibi

Gel bahar çiçeği

Gel canım hadi gel

Gel güzelim hadi gel

Gel kumralım hadi gel

Gel güzelim.

Gel bahar çiçeği

Gel güzelim hadi gel

Gel canım hadi gel

Gel biriciğim.

sen, ey dolunay (ayın ondördünü)

Sen ey ceylanların yavrusu,

Beni bırakma bu hallerde,

Gel canım hadi gel

Gel güzelim hadi gel

Gel kumralım hadi gel

Gel güzelim.

Beni bırakma bu hallerde,

Gel canım hadi gel

Gel kumralım hadi gel

Gel biriciğim.


xece were delal
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