William Control London Town

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London TownWilliam Control

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William Control London Town Song Lyrics

William Control London Town Şarkı Sözleri
Hate, I would forever lie
I would fake all the times
That you broke me down misery
Hate, covered in broken glass
My skeleton bones will last
Far beyond flowers and dust
So where would I be?
Love, the feeling I've lost control
Failing so beautiful
When you left me there, misery
Hate, blacken my artery
Harden my every fiber of grief stricken love
So where would I be? 
Sadness in London Town
I walk the streets of Leicester Square
Sadness in my own heart sound
I walk till dawn then disappear
Hate, I would forever lie
I would fake all the times
That you broke me down misery
Hate, covered in broken glass
My skeleton bones will last
Far from these flowers and dust
So where would I be?
Sadness in London Town
I walk the streets of Leicester Square
Sadness in my own heart sound
I walk till dawn then disappear
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