Tove Lo Come Undone

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Come UndoneTove Lo

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Tove Lo Come Undone Song Lyrics

I wear your over-sized shirt every chance that I get
Spend every night in bed by your side
I cuddle up in your arms and I sleep on your chest
Losing track of space and time
Do you love me?
Do you love me?
I can't eat, I can't sleep, heart is beating too fast
Why I gotta love you like that?
What is it 'bout you?
What is it 'bout you that makes me come undone now?
What is it 'bout you?
What is it 'bout you that makes me come undone now?
I lay in the fire, cry and I cry
I'm trying, I'm trying (trying)
I lay in the fire, cry and I cry
Over nothing, I make a monsoon and it's about you
What is it 'bout you that makes me come undone?
I plan my future with you, but it's all in my head
What if you don't feel the same
Try to make it feel safe, but don't know where you stand
Am I the only one to blame?
Do you love me?
You don't love me
I can't eat, I can't sleep, heart is beating too fast
Why I gotta love you like that?
What is it 'bout you?
What is it 'bout you that makes me come undone now?
What is it 'bout you?
What is it 'bout you that makes me come undone now?
I lay in the fire, cry and I cry
I'm trying, I'm trying (trying)
I lay in the fire, cry and I cry
Over nothing, I make a monsoon and it's about you
What is it 'bout you that makes me come undone?
No, I'm not drama queen
No, it's just how love feels
Ah, might not be healthy
But I feel alive
What is it 'bout you?
What is it 'bout you that makes me come undone now?
What is it 'bout you?
What is it 'bout you that makes me come undone now?
I lay in the fire, cry and I cry
I'm trying, I'm trying (trying)
I lay in the fire, cry and I cry
Over nothing, I make a monsoon and it's about you
What is it 'bout you that makes me come undone?
What is it 'bout you that makes me come undone? Yeah
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