The Score feat Blackbear-Dreamin

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feat Blackbear-DreaminThe Score

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The Score feat Blackbear-Dreamin Song Lyrics

They ain't takin' over, over

They ain't takin over-ver

Lost track of the times

When I felt the pain

But every time that I reached for the sky

I felt a rush of blood in my veins

And the wheels turned inside My brain

They ain't takin' over, over

I'm fighting the lows

That creep in my mind

I try to remember that life is a ride

Down one minute next one your high

Like a wave crashing into the night

They ain't takin' over

I know I've been here before

I'm not going down in this storm

So long, farewell to my darkest days

Listen to me now as I wash away My fears

They ain't taking over

They ain't taking over

They ain't taking over me

Lock away my demons, de2mons

Chains off, and now I'm dreaming

Wash away my tears

They ain't taking over

They ain't taking over
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