Tayna Kce

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Tayna Kce Song Lyrics

Jiggle jiggle juggle hallakam si njungle
Jiggle juggle jiggle kce si me kon single
Jiggle jiggle juggle hallakam si njungle
Jiggle juggle jiggle kce si me kon single

Hear that brrum brrum is the lambo
Qe thot em ka pas o kat rren bruh
Kush thot e kom dasht o kat rren bruh
E kom njo
Nese je pussy ti sem vyn sen mo

Gucci gucci bag mos em fol mu kurr per cveg(swag) uh
Ndizajn em sheh ntreg shijen e omel si kek brrrr
Edhe sonte jom bajrak ner qika ti je hoe
Edhe sonte jom bajrak ner qika o

Skom ngajt mas kerkujt edhe pse nashta jom e holl
Nese don met lon me dhez dush me vet a bon me fol?
Mos rollitni weed po rollitne ni moll
En ket shit jom dananana ka ktu kush koll
Qitma like combo in Mexico

Jom tu bo lek un per ty skom koh
Mos i beso un e kom moto si me kon lloto
Mem pas provo koto

Jiggle jiggle juggle hallakam si njungle
Jiggle juggle jiggle kce si me kon single
Jiggle jiggle juggle hallakam si njungle
Jiggle juggle jiggle kce si me kon single

Kom dal un mu knaq e me pi pak
E kena dhez njo edhe po na e then
E dojna na veten ju nese na shani be asniher so problem
Amime gusta sa her e ni qet sen amime gusta

Kur menon krejt i nxen veq pak ta nguca
Met kallzu qe per mu tlen kshtu qe mos ta nin per kerkon mo
Bitch im from the south side wi'da
E silli si me kon tu kcy salsa wi'da

Qa me bo tash qa me bo wi'da
Ma n fund e ka kuptu qe im better im better
Pi deri sa sdin sdin ti sdin sdin pi deri sa sdin sdin
Ti sdin sdin

Jiggle jiggle juggle hallakam si njungle
Jiggle juggle jiggle kce si me kon single
Jiggle jiggle juggle hallakam si njungle
Jiggle juggle jiggle kce si me kon single


tayna kce
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