Taylor Swift Willow

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WillowTaylor Swift

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Time: 03:34 Size: 3.29 Mb Downloaded: 2 Views: 260

Taylor Swift - Willow - Video Clip

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Taylor Swift Willow Song Lyrics

I'm like the water when your ship rolled in that night
Rough on the surface but you cut through like a knife
And if it was an open-shut case
I never would've known from that look on your face
Lost in your current like a priceless wine
The more that you say
The less I know
Wherever you stray
I follow
I'm begging for you to take my hand
Wreck my plans
That's my man
Life was a willow and it bent right to your wind (oh)
Head on the pillow, I could feel you sneaking in
As if you were a mythical thing
Like you were a trophy or a champion ring
And there was one prize I'd cheat to win
The more that you say
The less I know
Wherever you stray
I follow
I'm begging for you to take my hand
Wreck my plans
That's my man
You know that my train could take you home
Anywhere else is…
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