Taylor Swift Dorothea

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DorotheaTaylor Swift

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Taylor Swift Dorothea Song Lyrics

Hey Dorothea

Do you ever stop and think about me?

When we were younger

Down in the park

Honey, making a lark of the misery

You got shiny friends since you left town

A tiny screen's the only place I see you now

And I got nothing but well wishes for ya


This place is the same as it ever was


But you don't like it that way

It's never too late

To come back to my side

The stars in your eyes

Shined brighter in Tupelo

And if you're ever tired of being known

For who you know

You know, you'll always know me

Dorothea (ah-ah)

Dorothea (ah-ah)

Ooh, you're a queen

Selling dreams

Selling make up and magazines

Ooh, from you I'd buy anything

Hey Dorothea

Do you ever stop and think about me?

When it was calmer

Skipping the prom

Just to piss off your mom

And her pageant schemes

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